Students made sunflowers for Ukraine

"At Castle High, 21st Century helps us provide technical, academic and employability skills students need to be college, career, and life ready."
-Dr. Bernie Tyrell, Principal
James B. Castle High School
The mission of the Academies of Castle High School is to ensure that all students are equipped with the technical, academic, and employability skills necessary to be college, career, & life ready. Programs funded by the 21st Century grant allow our students to participate in early college courses that lead to highly valued industry certifications.
One such program is our Auto Mechanic Certification program in partnership with Leeward Community College. Students who are passionate about learning a trade are able to take free, after school college courses in our CHS auto shop while completing the required coursework needed for a two year degree in automotive.

CHS also partners with the UH Manoa College of Engineering (UHCoE) in a tutoring support program. U ndergraduates from UHCoE provide Castle students with tutoring support in various levels of math and science. The goal of after school tutoring is to strengthen math and science skills so that students remain on track for more rigorous coursework in their junior and senior year. Accelerated levels of math and science are required for any student pursuing a 2 or 4 year degree in a STEM field and we want our students to be prepared for transition into college and career.
21st Century has allowed CHS to expand on its career pathways to provide students opportunities to practice their skills in real world, real time work based learning experiences.

.Dr. Bernie Tyrell is a proud public school graduate from Moanalua High School where she returned to begin her teaching career. She later went on to teach at Moanalua Middle School & King Intermediate where she eventually became a Vice Principal. From there, she transitioned to Kahuku High and Intermediate as VP, then on to become principal at Sunset Beach Elementary School.
She has now served as principal for the past 7 years at Castle High School. Dr. Tyrell earned her BA in Secondary Health Education from Linfield College, MS in Kinesiology at UH Manoa, and Ed.D from the University of Southern California.

Is your student missing out on our afterschool or summer enrichment?
Learn more about
Mālama and

Students at Ke’olu Elementary school enjoying their Mālama program activities

Cooking class with Ms. Miyuki "Mimi" Spooner
A visit to the Firestation!

Kailua Elementary students using a real fire hose!

Cooking with Ms. Sally at Keolu Elementary

Making Mother’s Day crafts with Ms. Edita Montgomery
Kailua Elementary students mapped their community on "block walks" -- 6,000 steps included 2 schools, a library, a fire station, a police station, a district park, houses and stores!"

The ʻOhana Corner

We hope to encourage and equip you
to help your child succeed -- not just at school, but for life.
We will try to answer
your questions and share resources with you so
you can decide what's best for you, your child and family.
Hawaiian Phrase of the Month
He po’i na kai uli, kai ko’o,‘a‘ohe hina pūko‘a
Through the sea be deep and rough,
the coral rock remains standing
Mālama ‘Āina
Did you know that producing clothing requires a huge amount of natural resources?

How much water do you think it takes to produce the outfit you're wearing today?
....An average single outfit of clothing requires about 20,000 liters of water to manufacture!
....Not only that, but about 8,000 synthetic chemicals are used to in the dyeing of fabrics and creation of textiles. That's about 20% of the world's industrial water pollution!
So, what can YOU do?

Second hand clothing is a great and cost effective way to avoid new clothing production. Saves you money, and saves the planet! Hawaii thrift stores include
Goodwill Hawaii
Salvation Army Hawaii
, and
The Vintage Hawaii
. Women in need of clothing for interviews can contact
Dress for Success Hawaii
, where they often have thrift sales as well.
Upcycling clothing is a growing trend that involves transforming old, unused pieces into new, fashionable designs—and it’s as fun as it is eco-friendly. Turn your old CROCS into PLANTERS! Or, old t shirts into a quilt or grocery bags!
Whether you’re looking to refresh an existing wardrobe or seeking to dabble in the world of DIY
fashion design
for the first time, upcycling old clothes is a productive way to transform your shabbiest rags into chic pieces fit for the runway.

May is Mental Health month! Mental health is such an important component to overall health and we should all pay attention to our mental health needs. Visit
ental Health America
for everything from tips to prevent mental illness and early identification, to intervention, integrated care and recovery.
In crisis with depression, addiction or any other life challenges and in need of help? HAWAII CARES is a free mental health and substance use call center
Call 808-832-3100

A Free, Online Event open to all community!
Wednesday, May 18
3pm to 4:30pm via Zoom
PAF's own Herb Lee, Jr., will be sharing his 27 year, life-changing journey of restoring the fishpond and returning it to the community.
In 1995 he founded the Waikalua Fishpond Preservation Society to protect and steward a 400-year-old ancient Hawaiian Fishpond, one of the few remaining in the 21st Century.
Summer STEAM Camp Grades 4-8
Nā Maka O Ka Iʻa
Conservation and Stewardship | ʻAina Based Learning | Exploring our Ahupuaʻa | Computers and Technology
June 6 - June 17, 2022
Monday thru Friday

Monday - Friday Schedule:
8:00 am Drop off and Start of Day at the Wailakua Loko Iʻa
12:00 Pick Up from the Waikalua Loko Iʻa
1:00pm - 3:00pm
Virtual Learning classes in
Minecraft, Computer programming, online fun
Nā Maka O Ka Iʻa is a 21st Century Community Learning Center Program, under a grant from the Hawaiʻi Department of Education

Graduating this year and attending Windward Community College in Fall 2022?
Recipe of the Month
A great snack or breakfast that can be refrigerated to store for days! They are full of fruits and use sweet potato to bind the ingredients.
2 cups Cooked Okinawan sweet potatoes
1 1/4 cups Macadamia nuts, chopped fine
1 1/4 cups Coconut, shredded fine
1/2 cups Cranberries, chopped
1/2 cups Dates*, chopped
1 tsp Fresh ginger, minced
1/8 tsp Salt
Bake sweet potatoes whole, skin on at 350oF for 45 min. Chill in a refrigerator overnight.
Process macadamia nuts and shredded coconut in a food processor till fine.
Mix together, then add chopped cranberries, chopped dates, minced ginger and salt, mix well.
Mix into cooked potatoes (peeled, cut or torn into small chunks).
Lightly oil bottom of a sheet pan.
Pat down a ½ inch layer on the pan.
Cover with plastic wrap or parchment paper.
Roll with rolling pin to pack.
Cover the whole pan well with plastic wrap.
Chill in a refrigerator until firm, then cut into squares.

Sweet potato can be substituted with cooked, mashed ‘ulu
Cranberries and Dates can be substituted with other dried tropical fruits, but will need to balance the flavor and tartness.
The salt is added to draw out the moisture after the bars are made to bind them.
If the bars become crumbly (different crops of sweet potatoes and other fruits may change the moisture content), may need to adjust the formula by; adding a little honey (moisture) for binding or
add a bit more sweet potato or balance the amount of sweet potato and dried fruits
We may be "done" with the virus, but it isn't "done" with Hawaii.
Here's the latest, as we hope to help you navigate the BA2 Omicron contagion.
Data continue to show the importance of vaccination and booster doses to protect individuals both from infection and severe outcomes of COVID-19.

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click here
Mālama 21st and Lokahi 21st Century Community Learning Center brought to you through a generous grant from the Hawaii Department of Education.